If Driving, touch
Route options
to set whether
directions should
Avoid highways
Avoid tolls
5. To find a destination, touch an option:
• Speak Destination
: Say the name or address of your destination.
• Type Destination
: Enter the destination.
: Choose a destination from a contact record.
• Starred Places
: Choose destinations you have marked as favorites.
• Recent Destinations
: Choose from recent destinations. This option
is not available until a destination has been requested.
6. While navigating, touch the
Menu Key
for options:
: Find a location.
• Route Info
: View information about the current route.
: Choose map layers to display.
: Mute to silence voice-guided prompts.
•Exit Navigation
: Close Navigation and discard route information.
Directions List
: View directions in a step-by-step list.
Set Destination
: Choose or enter a destination.
: Learn about Google maps.
Terms, Privacy & Notices
: View information about Google Maps,
including the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, and Legal
Google Places uses your location to help you find nearby
destinations, such as restaurants, bars, hotels, attractions, ATMs,
and gas stations, or you can enter a location.
1. From a Home screen, touch
2. Touch a category or touch
to enter criteria.
3. Touch a destination to view details and for map and
navigation options.
Google Search
Search the internet, and your device, using the Google search
The Google Search widget appears on the main Home screen by default.
For information about displaying widgets on the Home screen, see
“Adding Widgets to the Home screen” on page 21.
1. From the Home screen, touch the
Google Search
– or –
From a Home screen, touch
Google Search