To ensure correct parts supply,please let us know followings,
when you make service parts order:
1.Part No. 2.Description 3.Q'ty 4.Volts-Hz-Ph 5.Product Model No.
51 623 191 6059 Support Fan Motor 1 854-2-2516-38621
52 623 191 5939 Cover Plate 1 854-2-2342-87411
53 623 181 2016 Elec Component Box Ass'y 1 854-0-5311-01601
54 623 191 5922 Front Panel 1 854-2-1116-19112
55 623 191 5915 Cover Plate 1 854-2-1133-43211
56 623 191 5908 Badge 1 854-2-1354-24712
57 623 052 9359 Vibration Insulation 3 852-2-2475-15400
58 623 101 8968 Strainer Ass'y 1 854-0-4522-13100
59 623 095 7985 Cover Terminal 1 801-2-6194-13400
60 623 125 0184 Mounting Thermostat C1220T-OL-00 1 852-2-5303-17700
61 623 191 5991 Bottom Plate Ass'y 1 854-0-2204-58811
62 623 191 5984 Top Panel 1 854-2-1112-394H3
63 623 191 5977 Mounting Plate Ass'y 1 854-0-2323-68611
64 623 191 5960 Mounting Plate 1 854-2-5309-22411
65 623 192 1947 Packing 1 854-2-2366-71710
66 623 192 1930 Packing 1 854-2-2366-72310
67 623 181 2962 Packing 1 854-2-2366-71600
68 623 181 3037 Packing 2 854-2-2366-72200
* 69 623 191 6011 Transformer Ass'y CL-9 1 8FA-0-5263-04400
70 623 170 8364 Insulation Special 1 854-2-2411-33100
71 623 188 5447 Packing 2 854-2-2366-70300
72 623 191 6004 Mounting Plate 1 854-2-2362-06801
73 623 191 6035 Protection Rubber 1 854-2-2356-18300
74 623 181 2221 Snd Ins Compr 1 854-2-2422-35100
75 623 181 2108 Snd Ins Compr 1 854-2-2422-35000
76 623 169 3585 Snd Ins Compr 1 854-2-2422-25800
77 623 163 8074 Screw Special SWCH18A 4 852-2-2396-15401
623 191 6028 Operation Manual 1 854-6-4189-78800
Part No. Description Q'ty Reference No.
NOTE: Metal and plastic parts will be supplied basically
with necessary heat insulation pads or packing.
Each key number with an asterisk (*) means the
recommended service parts.
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For Parts or Service Contact
SANYO Fisher Service Company
1165 Allgood Road, Suite 22, Marietta, GA 30062 U.S.A.
300 Applewood Crescent, Concord, Ontario, L4K 5C7, CANADA
1/06 Printed in Japan