The cooling water of an open-type recycling cooling tower lowers tem-
perature of the cooling water using vaporized latent-heat, and is reused.
At this time, the water is evaporated and dissolved salts. Hardness mate-
rials sulfate ion, etc. in the water will increase. Namely, condensation
phenomena of such materials occurs in the water, and water quality will
Quality control of cooling water
gradually be degraded. As the water and air always come in contact with
each other in the cooling tower, sulfurous acid gas, dust, sand and etc. in
the atmosphere will mix into the water, further degrading the water qual-
ity. In the cooling water system, problems with water are caused by these
factors. Typical problems are corrosion, scales and slimes.
As with any system utilizing an open or closed loop water circuit, the use
of water treatment is a necessity to insure long life and efficient operation
of the entire system.
Impurities in the water such as scale, dirt, bacteria, etc. will adhere to
heat transfer surfaces causing a loss of efficiency, higher operating costs,
and a potential for mechanical damage.
Proper and continued water treatment by a reputable water treatment
company should be continued for the life of the equipment. Water treat-
Water treatment
ment specialists can also help determine the necessary time intervals for
tube inspections and/or tube brushing/cleaning.
Added attention must be given on retrofit jobs when the existing piping is
reused. Air infiltration into the piping will cause a rapid build-up of rust
and corrosion inside the piping. Scale and debris may break loose from
the inside walls of the piping during retrofit operations. The use of water
strainers and water treatment will be necessary to remove the larger par-
ticles from the system and keep the smaller particles in suspension.
Notes :
1) The nomenclature of items, definition of terms and units shall comply with the JIS K 0101.
2) The mark K indicates factors affecting the corrosive or scale-forming tendencies.
3) When temperature is high (above 40°C), corrosiveness generally increases.
Especially, when the iron/steel surface has no protective film and directly contacts water,
it is desirable to adequately take countermeasures against corrosion, such as the addition of a
corrosion inhibitor and deaeration treatment.
4) As for the cooling water system using a closed type cooling tower, the water quality standard for
the mid-range temperature water system shall be applied to the closed circuit recirculating/sprinkling
water and its make-up water, while the water quality standard for the recirculating cooling water
system shall be applied to the sprinkling water and its make-up water, respectively.
5) City water, industrial water and ground water shall be used as source water, and demineralized water
reclaimed water, softened water, etc. shall be excluded.
6) The 15 items listed above show typical factors of corrosion and scale problems.
Cooling water thermostat
for cooling tower fan
Constant flow
blow valve
Cooling tower
Water supply
Chemicals adding pump
Chemicals tank
To chiller
From chiller
Water pump
Cooling water thermostat
for three-way control valve
Automatic three way control valve
Cooling water system
Reference items Standard items
Chilled water system Tendency
Recirculating type
Table 19. Water quality standard values for cooling water and chilled water
Table 20. Water quality standard values for mid-range temperature water
conductivity 25°C
Chloride ion
Sulfate ion
Acid consumption
pH 4.8
Total hardness
Calcium hardness
Ionic silica
Sulfide ion
Ammonium ion
Residual chlorine
Free carbon
Ryzner stability
(ms / m)
/ I)
/ I)
/ I)
/ I)
/ I)
/ I)
(mgFe / I)
(mgCu / I)
/ I)
/ I)
(mgCI / I)
/ )
6.5 to 8.2
80 or less
200 or less
200 or less
100 or less
200 or less
150 or less
50 or less
1.0 or less
0.3 or less
No detected
1.0 or less
0.3 or less
4.0 or less
60 to 7.0
6.0 to 8.0
30 or less
50 or less
50 or less
50 or less
70 or less
50 or less
30 or less
0.3 or less
0.1 or less
No detected
0.1 or less
0.3 or less
4.0 or less
7.0 to 8.0
30 or less
50 or less
50 or less
50 or less
70 or less
50 or less
30 or less
1.0 or less
1.0 or less
No detected
0.3 or less
0.25 or less
4.0 or less
7.0 to 8.0
30 or less
50 or less
50 or less
50 or less
70 or less
50 or less
30 or less
1.0 or less
1.0 or less
No detected
0.1 or less
0.3 or less
4.0 or less
7.0 to 8.0
30 or less
30 or less
30 or less
50 or less
70 or less
50 or less
30 or less
1.0 or less
1.0 or less
No detected
0.1 or less
0.1 or less
4.0 or less
7.0 to 8.0
30 or less
30 or less
30 or less
50 or less
70 or less
50 or less
30 or less
0.3 or less
0.1 or less
No detected
0.1 or less
0.3 or less
4.0 or less
6.8 to 8.0
40 or less
50 or less
50 or less
50 or less
70 or less
50 or less
30 or less
1.0 or less
1.0 or less
No detected
1.0 or less
0.3 or less
4.0 or less
6.8 to 8.0
40 or less
50 or less
50 or less
50 or less
70 or less
50 or less
30 or less
1.0 or less
1.0 or less
No detected
1.0 or less
0.3 or less
4.0 or less
6.8 to 8.0
30 or less
50 or less
50 or less
50 or less
70 or less
50 or less
30 or less
0.3 or less
0.1 or less
No detected
0.1 or less
0.3 or less
4.0 or less
Make-up water
Once through
(One way) type
Make-up water Corrosive Scale forming
below 20°C
Mid-range temperature (20-90°C) water system
Reference items Standard items
Lower level (20 to 60°C) Higher level (60 to 90°C)
conductivity 25°C
Chloride ion
Sulfate ion
Acid consumption
pH 4.8
Total hardness
Calcium hardness
Ionic silica
Sulfide ion
Ammonium ion
Residual chlorine
Free carbon
Ryzner stability
(ms / m)
/ I)
/ I)
/ I)
/ I)
/ I)
/ I)
(mgFe / I)
(mgCu / I)
/ I)
/ I)
(mgCI / I)
/ )
Make-up waterRecirculating Make-up water
Corrosive Scale forming
Figure 69. Temperature control of cooling water
Management of cooling water quality