Set the size of the image to be added
Use the arrow button to set the first point.
œ Use j and l to move the horizontal guideline
œ Use d and c to move the vertical guideline
œ Press and hold an arrow to move the guidelines
continuously in that direction and release the arrow to
stop the guideline.
Press the SET button.
œ The first point is set where the guidelines intersect.
œ The guidelines for setting the second point appear.
Use the arrow button to set the second point and
press the SET button.
œ The size of the frame is now set by the rectangle
formed by the two selected points.
To set the size of the frame, first set the top
left corner of the frame (first point) and then
the bottom right corner of the frame (second
point). The position of the frame is set later.
First point
First point location
Second point
First point Second point