user memory settings, for storing your personal image parameters.
The "standard" and "real" picture settings in the computer mode were the same to my eyes, just as the "standard"
and "cinema" settings appeared in video mode. Neither setting in its respective mode is particuarly appealing.
Colors are washed out and bland. However, I was able to achieve exactly the picture I wanted in various lighting
conditions and saved them in the other memory settings.
The PLV-70 retains all the consumer-friendly goodies from its predecessor, including a wide array of user
adjustments, motorized lens shift, keystone correction, adjustable front feet and a built-in scaler that marks a
significant improvement over the PLV-60. So much so, that I wound up disconnecting the Quadscan Pro Elite that
I've been using for some time now, and just fed a straight component signal directly to the projector, setting the
projector to "progressive" scan. The PLV-70 smoothly converted the interlaced signal from my Sony DVP-S7000
DVD player, yielding outstanding results. Our five globe titles look positively stunning on this unit.
Black level is satisfying and the uniformity, like the PLV-60 before it, is excellent. For its' price, the PLV-70 is
going to be awfully hard to beat. But FYI, I understand that the manufacturers are all scrambling to come up with a
$1,000 video projector that won't come close to this one for features and quality, but will certainly help those who
can only dream of home theater to jump into the game with relative ease. Look for these machines to start
appearing before too long.
So, would I personally buy this projector? Not at the present
time, because I'm still quite pleased with my Sanyo PLV-60
clone (Studio Experience HD-13) and the Quadscan Elite
scaler, which improves the picture to levels nearly as close as
the PLV-70, albeit nice as bright.
At least my present performance is close enough to where I
don't perceive enough of a significant gain to jump ship -- yet.
But if I were upgrading from just about any other projector or
buying a projector for the first time (and wanting it to be my
last time for a good long while), this decision would be a no-
If you have more questions and would enjoy further objective
discussion about the Sanyo PLV-70, enter our Sanyo Projector forum here at TheBIGPictureDVD.com and let's
talk about it!
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