Click FTP in the configuration menu to display the FTP SETTINGS screen.
If you want to record images from the camera to an FTP server via the network, configure the FTP server settings
and the image transmission conditions on this screen.
A Configuring FTP server settings
B Configuring transmission conditions
Required operation privilege: admin, operator
You can send JPEG images only.
1 In [FTP], select “ON”.
2 In [PORT NUMBER], type the control port number configured on the server.
Type a number between 1 and 65535. This port number is normally “21” (default).
3 In [SERVER ADDRESS], type the server address. Then, in [USER ID] and [PASSWORD],
type the user ID and password, respectively.
The number of characters you can type in these fields is as follows.
SERVER ADDRESS: Up to 64 alphanumeric characters
USER ID: Up to 48 alphanumeric characters
PASSWORD: Up to 20 alphanumeric characters
4 To use the passive FTP mode, in [FTP PASSIVE], select “USE”.
When [FTP PASSIVE] is set to “USE”, users must specify a valid port number when making a
connection request for sending data to the server.
5 In [DIRECTORY NAME], specify the name of the directory you want to create on the
You can type up to 32 alphanumeric characters.
with Administrator Confi
uration Screens 43