
Cautions when using the Microdrive
œ When using the Microdrive continuously, the card will become very hot. Be careful when
touching the card for removal, etc.
œ When using the Microdrive, it will take a few seconds after the digital camera is turned on
before the card can be used. This time will increase when more data is stored on the card.
œ When erasing a large amount of data with the GROUP ERASE command, you may have to
wait a few seconds. (It will take approx. 2 minutes to erase 400 still images from the Microdrive.)
œ It will take a great deal of time to download large amounts of data from the Microdrive to your
œ Microdrive cards require more power than CompactFlash cards. Therefore the possible battery
operation time (see page 135) when using the Microdrive will be much less than that when
using a CompactFlash card.
œ Microdrive cards are easily damaged by vibrations. Be sure to read the cautions supplied with
the Microdrive.
SX511/EX, /E, /U (VPC-AZ1EX, VPC-AZ1E, VPC-AZ1 GB) Thu. Nov., 29/2001