sion rate
or sound
CompactFlash (16MB) Microdrive (1GB)
One shooting Total One shooting Total
Video clip
2 — 46 sec. 46 sec. 10 min. 51 min.
0 —
3 min.
04 sec.
3 min.
04 sec.
10 min.
3 hr.
26 min.
——7 min.
33 min.
34 sec.
7 min. 37 hr.
One shooting: Maximum no. of images, shooting time, recording time when shutter
release button is pressed once
Total: The maximum no. of images, shooting time, recording time that can be stored
œ Even with cards of the same capacity, the amount of data that can actually be stored
may differ depending on the card brand, etc.
œ The continuous shooting time for each video clip will differ depending, for example, on
the card capacity, environmental conditions (temperature and shooting conditions, etc.).
Example: Using a Microdrive at an ambient temperature of 25°C, resolution 2, the
continuous recording time will be about 10 minutes, due to the rising internal
temperature. If the camera is used when the internal temperature is elevated,
it is more likely for the S icon (warning indicator for elevated temperature) to
appear, and the usable time of the camera to become shorter. (See
“Cautions concerning high temperatures” on page 24.)
Cautions when using the Microdrive
œ When using the Microdrive continuously, the card will become very hot. Be careful when
touching the card for removal, etc.
œ When using the Microdrive, it will take a few seconds after the digital camera is turned
on before the card can be used. This time will increase when more data is stored on the
œ It will take a great deal of time to download large amounts of data from the Microdrive to
your computer.
œ Microdrive cards require more power than CompactFlash cards. Therefore the possible
battery pack operation time (see page 197) when using the Microdrive will be much less
than that when using a CompactFlash card.
œ Microdrive cards are easily damaged by vibrations. Be sure to read the cautions
supplied with the Microdrive.
SX515/EX, U (VPC-AZ3 GB) Tue. Oct., 22/2002