
332 Glossary
variables that can be processed by SAS. A SAS data set can be either a SAS data file
or a SAS data view. A SAS data set is arranged in a rectangular, two-dimensional
format. Each item in a SAS data set is called a data value. Data values in a row
compose an observation, and those in a column compose a variable. See also SAS
data file and SAS data view.
SAS data view
one of the forms of a SAS data set A SAS data view contains only the information
that is required to retrieve data values from a data source. PROC SQL views, SAS/
ACCESS views, and DATA step views are types of SAS data views. SAS data views
are of member type VIEW.
SAS Explorer
an interactive, windowing interface to SAS. Display manager commands can be
issued by typing them on the command line, pressing function keys, or selecting
items from the menu facility. Within one session, many different tasks can be
accomplished, including preparing and submitting programs, viewing and printing
results, and debugging and resubmitting programs.
See view descriptor and SAS data view.
in a network, a computer or application that is reserved for servicing other
computers or applications in the network. Servers can provide file services and
communication services, and they enable users to access common resources such as
disks, data, and modems. See also client.
Pass-Through Facility
a group of SQL procedure statements that send and receive data directly between a
relational database management system and SAS. The Pass-Through facility
includes the CONNECT, DISCONNECT, and EXECUTE statements, and the
CONNECTION TO component. SAS/ACCESS software is required in order to use
the Pass-Through Facility.
Structured Query Language (SQL)
the standardized, high-level query language that is used in relational database
management systems to create and manipulate database management system
objects. SAS implements SQL through the SQL procedure.
in general, a two-dimensional system of representing data in rows and columns.
for some DBMSs, a type of user-defined stored procedure that is executed whenever a
user issues a data-modification command such as INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE for
a specified table or column. Triggers can be used to implement referential integrity
or to maintain business constraints. See also referential integrity.
a column in a SAS data set. A variable is a set of data values that describe a given
characteristic across all observations.
a definition of a virtual data set. The definition is named and stored for later use. A
view contains no data but describes or defines data that are stored elsewhere. See
also DATA step view, PROC SQL view, SAS data view, and view descriptor.
view descriptor
a SAS/ACCESS file that defines all or a subset of the DBMS data that are described
by an access descriptor. See also access descriptor.