Unit 4: Printer Configuration
CT4i Series Operator Manual 4-19
The Factory/Service Test Label prints the internal operating parameters of the printer.
1. Release the print head. (see “Releasing/Replacing the Print Head“” on page 3).
2. Press the LINE and FEED buttons while turning the printer ON.
3. When the printer beeps, release the LINE and FEED buttons. The printer will then beep 3 times indi-
cating it is in the Factory/Service Print Test mode.
4. Re-latch the Print Head.
5. Press the LINE button to print a large (4" wide") Factory/Service Test Label. Press the FEED button
to print a small (2" wide) Factory/Service Test Label.
6. The printer will begin printing a series of test labels, the first containing the operational parameters of
the printer followed by one containing the internal printer settings. These two label formats will alter-
nate until the FEED button is pressed, suspending the print operation. If the FEED button is pressed
again, the printing will resume.
To remove the printer from the Factory/Service Print Test mode, remove power by placing the POWER
switch in the OFF position.
Depending on the version of your printer’s onboard software, the appearance of your test
printout may be different from that shown here.