20 (36), 0-004-7771-2 (GB) TAC AB, 2003-07-01
TAC Xenta 400 I/O modules 3 Technical description
3.5 The TAC Xenta 471 Analog Input module
The module has eight universal analog inputs (U). The analog inputs
can independently be used for current input or as voltage inputs. The
current inputs use either the internal power (24V DC) or the external
power (M).
Terminals on 471
The TAC Xenta 471 terminals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
G G0C1C2U1 M U2U3
~ 0
24 V AC
(19-40 V DC)
MU4 U5 M U6U7 MU8
24 V DC
24 V DC
24 V DC
24 V DC
Type No. TAC Menta Block type Terminal ref. Override
Universal inputs 8 AI - Analog inputs U1 - U8 (N.A.)
Restore to default values
If you press the Service Pin for seven seconds during the first minute
following a restart, the parameters of the module will be restored to
the factory default values. A restart occurs following power on.
The green LED on the front will light continuously during activation
(about 7 seconds) and when the restore has finished, it will flash
rapidly (off-line indication).
The parameters of the I/O module will now be restored:
• Domain table index 0: ID len = 1, ID = 11
, Subnet = 1, Node = 1
and Clone Domain = 0.
• Domain table index 1: Unused.
• Address table index 0: Domain = 0, Node = 0, Rpt Tmr = 16,
Retries = 0, Rcv Tmr = 128, Tx Tmr = 16, Subnet = 0.
• Address table index 1: Unused.
• Non_Group_Receive_Timer = 768 ms.
• Node Mode: Unconfig.
Green LED