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Chapter 10—Multi-tariff feature PowerLogic™ PM5300 series user guide
All days have a tariff applied between 23:00 and 04:59, corresponding to off-peak
hours. All weekend days have a tariff applied from 05:00 to 22:59, corresponding to
shoulder hours. All weekdays fall into one of two seasons (summer or winter), and have
two tariffs applied throughout the day. Example dates and corresponding tariffs:
• Wednesday, March 21, 08:00 = tariff 3
• Tuesday, January 10, 21:00 = tariff 3
• Sunday, June 24, 14:00 = tariff 4
• Friday, August 17, 00:00 = tariff 1
Input mode overview
You can use this mode to have the device’s digital inputs set which tariff is applied to
the energy that is presently being consumed. If a digital input is used for multi-tariff, it
cannot be used for an exclusive association (such as Demand Sync or Input Metering),
but digital inputs can be shared with a non-exclusive association (such as Alarms). To
make a digital input available for setting tariffs, any conflicting associations must be
manually removed at the source of the original association.
The number of different tariffs that can be applied is determined by the number of
available digital inputs and the total number of tariffs supported by your device. The
digital inputs are used as binary counters to identify the appropriate tariff, where off = 0
and on = 1, and most significant bit (MSB) is digital input 2 and least significant bit
(LSB) is digital input 1. By this definition, digital input 1 must be associated with the
multi-tariff feature in order to set the tariff to Input mode.
Configuration 2: one season for weekends, with off-peak and shoulder hours,
two seasons for weekdays, with shoulder hours
Tariff Type Start date End date Start time End time
1 Every day January 1 December 31 23:00 04:59
2 Weekdays May 1 September 30 05:00 22:59
3 Weekdays October 1 April 30 05:00 22:59
4 Weekends January 1 December 31 05:00 22:59
Digital input requirements for required number of tariffs
Number of
tariffs required
Digital inputs required
Configuration 1 Configuration 2
1 1 (digital input 1) 1 (digital input 1)
2 1 (digital input 1) 2 (digital input 1 and 2)
3 2 (digital input 1 and 2) 2 (digital input 1 and 2)
4 2 (digital input 1 and 2) 2 (digital input 1 and 2)
Configuration 1: 2 tariff assignment using 2 digital inputs
There is no inactive tariff with this configuration.
Tariff Digital input 2 Digital input 1
T1 0 0
T2 0 1
Configuration 2: 2 tariff assignment using 2 digital inputs
Tariff Digital input 2 Digital input 1
This digital input configuration (00) means there are no active
tariffs (all tariffs are disabled)
T1 0 1
T2 1 0