Service Engine - Page 38
Avoid Fumes
Engine Oil
NOTE: Air cooled engines run hotter than
automobile engines. The use of multi-viscosity oil
such as (10W-30) in ambient temperatures above 4 °
C (40° F) will result in higher than normal oil
consumption. If multi-viscosity oil is used, check oil
level more frequently to prevent any possible
damage due to lack of lubrication.
Use oil viscosity based on the expected air temperature
range during the period between oil changes.
Use a high quality detergent oil classified as:
• API Service Classification SG
• API Service Classification SH
CAUTION: Engine exhaust fumes can cause
sickness or death:
- If it is necessary to run an engine in an
enclosed area, use an exhaust pipe extension
to remove the fumes.
- Always work in a well ventilated area.