Adjusting the earband to the shape of your ear
̈ Put on the ear-worn micro-
phone. The earband has to
closely follow the shape of your
ear. To improve the wearing
comfort, make sure that the
end of the connector is placed
in front (A) or behind (B) the
microphone boom.
̈ Adjust the pre-bent earband to
the individual shape of your
ear. To do so, carefully bend the
earband over your index finger.
CAUTION! Damage to the earband
The earband can break or be impaired in its function
when the bend diameter is too small (< 2 cm) or
when you bend it close to the connector. Also avoid
frequent alternate bendings. If the earband breaks,
you can be injured.
̈ Adjust the earband to the shape of your ear as
described below.