Audiometric headphones
Design approved by the PTB (German national institute for
science and technology).
The headphones comply with IEC 60645-1.
The HDA 280 is designed for use with an audiometer!
After exchanging audiometric headphones, the audiometer has
to be re-calibrated!
Pure tone RETSPL
Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure level (re 20 µPa)
for the HDA 280 headphones and a coupler as per IEC 60318-3
* additional values following ISO 389-1
Peak-to-peak RETSPL
For clicks, 20 Hz
– on an ear simulator as per IEC 60318-1 and
– on an acoustic coupler as per IEC 60318-3
pe RETSPL = 31.5 dB (re 20 µPa).
Pure tone reference equivalent
threshold sound pressure level
Max. SPL
on B&K 4152 < 10 min.
Frequency (Hz) dB (re 20 µPa) dB (at 4 V)
125 38.5 143 ± 3
250 25.0 144 ± 3
500 13.0 144 ± 3
750 9.0 144 ± 3
1000 7.5 145 ± 3
1500 9.5 145 ± 3
2000 8.0 138 ± 3
3000 6.5 133 ± 3
4000 9.5 137 ± 3
6000 19.0 132 ± 5
8000 18.0 122 ± 5
10000 18.5 110 ± 5
12500 30.5 122 ± 5
Frequency response curve
Measured with B&K 4152 as per IEC 60318-3
Headphone input voltage 500 mV
10k200 500 1k 2k 5k
measured at normal climate: temperature = 20 °C,
relative humidity = 50 %, atmospheric pressure approx. 100 kPa
Cat. No. 9860 1 unit
9861 24 units/carton
Transducer principle dynamic, closed
Ear coupling supra-aural
Frequency response < 20 Hz to > 20 kHz
Characteristic SPL 117 dB (at 1 kHz, 1 mW)
Max. L/R deviation 125 Hz – 4 kHz < 1.5 dB
4 kHz – 12 kHz < 2 dB
Max. nominal continuous
input power
500 mW (as per EN 60268-7)
Nominal impedance 37 Ω
Contact pressure 5 N ± 0.5 N
Connection cable approx. 3 m, open-ended
Weight (with cable) 330 g
Connection code green + L
copper – L
red + R
copper – R
HDA 280