
Where to place the transmitter
Choose a suitable place near your hi-fi system.
Putting the transmitter into operation
̈ Use the supplied cable to connect socket on the transmitter to the headphone output socket of your
hi-fi system. The cable is fitted with a 3.5 mm jack plug suitable for most headphone output sockets.
For connection to 1/4" (6.3 mm) headphone outputs, use the supplied adaptor.
̈ Connect the plug-in mains unit to socket on the transmitter and plug the mains unit into a wall socket.
The wire antenna is an integral part of the transmitter. For best transmission the antenna should be vertical.
You can therefore
̈ leave the wire antenna dangling
in a vertical position down
behind the transmitter or
̈ (the better option) slide the sup-
plied plastic tubing over the an-
tenna and snap it into the clamps
at the back of the transmitter:
Make sure that there are no metal objects such as shelf bars or lamp stands in parallel with the antenna.
Do not place the transmitter on a TV set as it might interfere with the transmitter. Test where exactly in
the room the transmitter works best.
Automatic on/off switching
The transmitter features a convenient automatic on/off function:
̈ When an audio signal reaches the transmitter, it is switched on. The LED at the front lights up green.
̈ If there is no audio signal for about 3 minutes, the transmitter automatically switches off and the LED
goes off. The transmitter is now in stand-by mode, its power consumption is very low so that it can
remain connected to the mains.
The transmitter’s charging function (charging compartments ) is independent of the automatic on/off
function. Accuplugs can always be recharged when the transmitter is connected to the mains.