To store the name and address of a destination in an auto dial key, click "Destination Management" or one of the
transmission methods in the Web page menu frame. "Destination Management" can also be used to edit or clear
stored destinations.
A total of 500 destinations can be stored, including E-mail, FTP, Desktop, Internet-Fax, and Group destinations.
Among these, a combined total of 100 Scan to FTP and Desktop destinations can be stored.
The stored destinations appear as one-touch keys in the touch panel of the machine when you send an image,
allowing you to select the destination.
For detailed information on setting up, editing, and deleting destinations, refer to "Help".
■ Storing destinations for Scan to E-mail and Internet-Fax
Scan to E-mail and Internet-Fax destinations can also be stored, edited, and cleared from the touch panel of the
machine. (Pages 17 - 19)
To perform Scan to E-mail, the e-mail server settings must first be established. (Refer to page 3.)
■ Storing destinations for Scan to FTP
If you select the "Enable Hyperlink to FTP server to be e-mailed" checkbox, you can send an e-mail message to
a "Sender" selected from "E-mail Destination" (stored in "Sender E-mail" in the Web page menu (page 5)), to
notify that person of the location of the scanned image data and its file format. (Scan to FTP (Hyperlink))
The e-mail includes a link to the location of the scanned image data, and if the FTP server does not require a user
name or password (anonymous server), the recipient can display the image by simply clicking on the address.
If you entered a host name in "Hostname or IP Address", you will need to enter the DNS server settings. Click "E-
mail & DNS" and enter the settings under "DNS Setup". To perform Scan to FTP (Hyperlink), you must also enter
the settings under "E-mail Setup" for the e-mail server. (Refer to page 3.)
■ Storing destinations for Scan to Desktop
Scan to Desktop can only be used if Network Scanner Tool is installed in your computer (Network Scanner Tool is
included on the CD-ROM that accompanies the AR-NS2 Network Scanner Expansion Kit).
You can store a Scan to Desktop destination in the Web page, or in Network Scanner Tool. We recommend that
you normally use Network Scanner Tool, which automatically establishes settings. The Web page is primarily used
when the same settings are to be established in multiple laser printers, or when the network administrator performs
maintenance. If the information set here differs from the information set in the host computer, transmission and
reception will not take place normally. For details, refer to "User's Guide"* for Network Scanner Tool in the CD-
ROM that accompanies the Network Scanner Expansion Kit (AR-NS2).
If you entered a host name in “Hostname or IP Address”, you will need to enter the DNS server settings. (Refer to
page 3.)
*To view "User's Guide", Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05 or later is necessary. If this is not installed on your computer, you can
install it from the CD-ROM that accompanies the Network Scanner Expansion Kit (AR-NS2). For details, refer to the operation
manual for the Network Scanner Expansion Kit (AR-NS2).
■ Storing Groups
If you are using Scan to E-mail or Internet-Fax, a scanned image can be sent to multiple destinations in a single
operation. To use this function, you must first store the destinations in a group. Click "Group" and then select the
Scan to E-mail or Internet Fax destinations that you wish to store in the group. Up to 300 destinations can be
stored in one group. Only destinations for E-mail or Internet-Fax can be stored in a group. Note that multiple
destinations cannot be entered manually when sending an image.