EL-9650/9600c/9450/9400 Graphing Calculator
NotesStep & Key Operation
(When using EL-9650/9600c)
*Use either pen touch or cursor to operate.
(When using EL-9650/9600c)
The y-intercept is at (0 ,1). No-
tice that there are no x-inter-
cepts for the graph of f (x).
Find the domain and the vertical
asymptote of f (x), tracing the
graph to find the hole at x = 1.
Since f (x) can be written as
, the domain
consists of all real numbers x
such that x ≠ 1 and x ≠ -1.
There is no vertical asymptote
where x = 1 since this value
of x also makes the numera-
tor zero. Next to the coordi-
nates x = 0.9, y = 0.52, see that
the calculator does not display
a value for y at x = 1 since 1
is not in the domain of this
rational function.
Find the x- and y-intercepts of f (x).
Estimate the horizontal asymptote
of f (x).
The line y = 0 is very likely a
horizontal asymptote of f (x).
The graphing feature of the EL-9650/9600c/9450/9400 can create the branches
of a rational function separated by vertical asymptote. The calculator allows
the points of intersection to be obtained easily.
x - 1
(x + 1)(x - 1)
2nd F CALC
02.10.28, 1:15 PMPage 7