Chapter 8: Matrix Features
11 mat→list( Creates lists with elements from each column in the matrix.
If dimensions of columns is greater than the number of lists
specified, extra columns are ignored. Also, if it is less than the
number of lists specified, extra lists are ignored.
matrix name, list name 1, ..., list name n
• Make List 1 and List 2 by
using the 1st and 2nd
columns of matrix E,
matrix name, column number, list name
• Make List 3 by using the 3rd
column of matrix E.
12 list→mat( list→mat(
list 1
.... list n, matrix name
Creates a matrix using specified lists. This function is the same as
list→mat( in the List OPE menu.
Note: The list items must be prepared prior to executing this function.
• Create columns of matrix D by
using list items in L1 and L2.