12. Programming for the Manager Work Station (MWS)
— master and satellite
The INLINE interface for the UP-600/UP-700 POS enables the UP-600/UP-700 to perform in-
line communications to a host P.C. through the connection to a Manager Work Station (MWS).
The function of Manager Work Station:
1) Down load of the terminal data [Terminal PC]
2) Up load of the terminal data [Terminal PC]
3) Remote Job Entry (RJE) function [Terminal PC]
4) T-Log function [Terminal PC]
5) Message function [Terminal PC]
(1) Programming of the terminal number
The terminal number of MWS can be specified by the following procedure:
Turn the mode switch to the PGM2 position.
Select “MWS SETTING” and press the [ENTER] key.
The MWS SETTING window will appear.
Enter the terminal number (1 - 254) of MWS and press
the [ENTER] key.