Connection Pin Assignments
Analog Computer 1 and 2 Signal Input
Ports: 15-pin mini D-sub female connector
Computer Input
1. Video input (red)
2. Video input
(green/sync on green)
3. Video input (blue)
4. Reserve input 1
5. Composite sync
6. Earth (red)
7. Earth (green/sync on green)
8. Earth (blue)
9. Not connected
10. GND
11. GND
12. Bi-directional data
13. Horizontal sync signal
14. Vertical sync signal
15. Data clock
RS-232C Port: 9-pin
D-sub male connector
Pin No. Signal Name I/O Reference
1 CD Not connected
2 RD Receive Data Input Connected to internal circuit
3 SD Send Data Output Connected to internal circuit
4 ER Not connected
5 SG Signal Ground Connected to internal circuit
6 DR Data Set Ready Output Not connected
7 RS Request to Send Output Connected to internal circuit
8 CS Not connected
9 CI Not connected
PC control
A computer can be used to control the projector by connecting an RS-232C cable (cross type, sold separately) to
the projector. (See page 15 for connection.)
Communication conditions
Set the serial port settings of the computer to match that of the table on the next page.
Signal format: Conforms to RS-232C standard.
Baud rate: 9,600 bps
Data length: 8 bits
Parity bit: NON
Stop bit: 1 bit
Flow control: None
Basic format
Commands from the computer are sent in the following order: command, parameter, and return code. After the
projector processes the command from the computer, it sends a response code to the computer.
RS-232C Port Specifications
Return code (0DH)
C1 C2 C3 C4 P1 P2 P3 P4
Response code format
Normal response
Return code (0DH)
Problem response (communication error or incorrect command)
Return code (0DH)
Command 4-digits Parameter 4-digits
Command format
When more than one code is being sent, send each command only after the OK response code for the previous
command from the projector is verified.
• When using the computer control function of the projector, the projector operating status cannot be read to the computer.
Therefore, confirm the status by transmitting the display commands for each adjustment menu and checking the status with
the On-screen Display. If the projector receives a command other than a menu display command, it will execute the com-
mand without displaying the On-screen Display.