Fuel Requirements
n Use only fresh, clean fuel.
n Use only fuel with an octane rating
of 87 or above.
n Mix all fuel with ISO EGD or JASO
FC class 2-cycle Engine Oil at a
gasoline/oil ratio of 50:1 (1 gallon
gasoline to 2.6 oz. mixing oil).
Never attempt to mix fuel in the
blower fuel tank! Always mix all fu-
els in a clean, approved container!
Some gasolines contain etha-
nol alcohol as an oxygenate!
Oxygenated fuels may cause
increased engine operating tem-
peratures! Under certain condi-
tions, alcohol-based fuels may also
reduce the lubricating qualities of
some mixing oils!
Never use any fuel containing
more than 10% ethanol alcohol by
Generic oils and some outboard
mixing oils are not intended for
use in high-performance air cooled
2-cycle engines, and should never
be used in your Shindaiwa blower!
Mix only enough fuel for your imme-
diate needs! If fuel must be stored
longer than 30-days, it should rst
be treated with a stabilizer such as
StaBil™ or equivalent product!
Danger of re!
Never transfer or store fuels in the
presence of combustible materials!
Before starting the engine, always
move the blower to a clear area
at least 10 feet (3 meters) away
from fuels and other combustible
Use of mixing oil other than ISO
EGD or JASO FC rated oil can
lead to exessive carbon deposits.