Check the product package for the rate 1.
setting, and recommended swath width. Turn
the spreader off by pushing the control knob
in. Rotate the rate cam to the proper setting.
Always ll the spreader on the driveway 2.
or sidewalk-not on the lawn. Make sure
spreader is in the “OFF” position. Empty
after each use.
Start spreader moving, then open 3.
spreader by pushing the thumb release to
the “ON” position. Always push spreader,
never pull. Push knob down to close
Hold handle so top of spreader is level. 4.
Tipping the spreader too far can cause
uneven spreading.
The settings and swath widths on the product 5.
label are recommended starting points. Always
check the delivery rate and pattern on a small
area before treating a large area. Actual deliv-
ery rate can vary due to weather conditions,
operating variables, and condition of the product
being applied. See “HOW TO DETERMINE
for details.
Push spreader 3 1/2 m.p.h. (26 feet in 5 6.
seconds) for full 8’ to 10’ spread pattern
when applying fertilizer products. Apply
header strips at each end of area to be
treated then space trips across the area
as shown.
Push spreader at 2 1/2 mph (18 feet in 5 7.
seconds) to reduce width of spread when
applying ice melt products to sidewalks.
Empty spreader after each use. Return 8.
leftover material to its original container.