Air lter cover
Air lter element
Remove the air lter element, and wash the element in clean, neutral sol-1.
vent or warm soapy water. Rinse the element thoroughly, and then squeeze
dry before reassembly.
Never operate the unit if the air lter assembly is damaged or missing or if the
air lter element is soaked with water!
Air Filter
Fuel Filter
Fuel lter
Make sure you do not pierce the fuel line with the end of the hooked
wire. The line is delicate and can be damaged easily.
Use a wire hook to extract the fuel lter from inside the fuel tank. Inspect ■
the fuel lter element. If it shows signs of contamination from debris,
replace it with a genuine Shindaiwa replacement fuel lter element.
Before reinstalling the lter, inspect the fuel line. If you discover damage
or deterioration, the unit should be removed from service unitl it can be
inspected by a Swisher-trained service technician.
spark plug gap--all models
Remove the spark plug and adjust the
gap at the electrode
Adjust the spark plug electrode gap to .026 inch (.65 mm). If the spark plug
must be replaced, use only the spark plug recommended on the Specica-
tions section or an equivalent resistor type spark plug of the correct heat
Before removing the spark plug, clean the area around the plug to prevent
dirt and debris from getting into the engine’s internal parts.
Spark Plug
Keep the spark plug and wire connections tight and clean.
0.65 mm
(0.026 in.)