Engine Name T242
Engine Type 2-cycle, catalyst
Dry Weight (less attachment) 5.3 kg/11.7 lb.
Dimensions (L x H x W) mm 1740 x 355 x 320 mm / 68.5 x 13.2 x 12.6 in.
Bore x Stroke 33 x 28 mm (1.3 x 1.1 in.)
Displacement 23.9 cc (146 cu. in.)
Fuel/Oil Ratio 50:1 with *ISO-L-EGD or JASO FD class engine oil
Fuel Tank Capacity 690 ml (23.3 oz.)
Carburetor Type Diaphragm-type carburetor
Ignition One-piece electronic, transistor-controlled
Spark Plug** NGK BPM8Y
Spark Plug Gap 0.6 mm (0.024 in)
Torque 16.7 - 18.6 N∙m (148-165 in • lbf)
Air Cleaner Type Non-reversible foam filter element
Starting Method Recoil Starter
Stopping Method Slide switch
Transmission Type Automatic, centrifugal clutch w/bevel gear
Engine Idle Speed 3,000 RPM
Clutch Engagement Speed 3,850 RPM
Wide Open Throttle Speed (W.O.T.) 9,600 RPM
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
An Emission Control Label is located on the unit. (This is an EXAMPLE ONLY; information on label varies by en-
gine FAMILY).
The 300 hour emission compliance period is the time span selected by the manufacturer certifying the engine
emissions output meets applicable emissions regulations, provided that approved maintenance procedures are
followed as listed in the Maintenance Section of this manual.
Emission Control (Exhaust & Evaporative)
EPA 2010 and Later and/or C.A.R.B. TIER III
The emission control system for the engine is EM/TWC (Engine Modication and 3-way Catalyst) and for the fuel tank
the Control System is EVAP (Evaporative Emissions) or N (for nylon tank). Evaporative emission may be applicable to
California models only.