Measurement Conditions (unless otherwise specified): Line voltage 120
Vac, 60 Hz (SCM810) or 230 Vac, 50 Hz (SCM810E); full gain; 1 kHz, one
channel activated; source impedances: Mic 150 , Line 150 ;
terminations: Line 10 k, Phones 300 tip-sleeve and ring-sleeve), Direct
Out 10 k; Auto mode, equalization controls adjusted for flat response
Frequency Response (Ref 1 kHz, channel controls centered)
50 Hz to 20 kHz 2 dB; -3 dB corner at 25 Hz
Voltage Gain (typical, controls full clockwise)
Total Harmonic Distortion
<0.1% at +18 dBV output level, 50 Hz to 20 kHz (through 20 Hz-20 kHz
filter; Input 1 and Master at 5, all other controls full counterclockwise)
Hum and Noise
Equivalent Input Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –125 dBV (150 source;
through 400 Hz –20 kHz filter)
Equivalent Input Hum and Noise:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –123 dBV (150 source; through
20 Hz - 20 kHz filter)
Output Hum and Noise (through 20 Hz to 20 kHz filter; channel con-
trols full counterclockwise))
Master full counterclockwise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –90 dBV
Master full clockwise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –70 dBV
Common Mode Rejection
>70 dB at 1 kHz
Mic/Line, Send inputs to all outputs are non-inverting; Aux input to all
outputs is inverting
Input Channel Activation
Attack Time 4 ms
Hold Time0.4 s (Switchable to 1.0 s)
Decay Time0.5 s
15 dB (switchable to
Overload and Shorting Protection
Shorting outputs, even for prolonged periods, causes no damage.
Microphone inputs are not damaged by signals up to 3 V; Line and
Monitor inputs by signals up to 20 V
Low-frequency 6 dB/octave cut, adjustable
corner from 25 to 320 Hz
High-frequency6 dB at 5 kHz, 8 dB at
10 kHz, shelving
Type Peak
Threshold Switchable: off, +4, +8, +16
(dBm at output)
Attack Time 2 ms
Recovery Time 300 ms
Indicator Lights red when limiting occurs
Input LEDs
Green on channel activation, red at 6 dB below clipping
Phantom Power
46 Vdc open-circuit through 6.8 k series resistance per DIN 45 596
Operating Voltage
SCM810: 120 Vac rated nominal, 50/60 Hz, 200 mA
SCM810E: 230 Vac rated nominal, 50/60 Hz, 100 mA
Temperature Range
Operating: 0
to 60 C (32 to 140 F)
Storage: -30 to 70 C (-20 to 165 F)
Overall Dimensions
44.5 mm H x 483 mm W x 317 mm D
(1 3/4 x 19 x 12 1/2 inches)
Net Weight
4.3 kg (9 lb 9 oz)
SCM810: Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.; cUL Certified
(Canada). SCM810E: Conforms to European Union Directives; Certified to
EN60065; Eligible to bear CE Marking; Conforms to European EMC
Directive 2004/108/EC; Meets Harmonized Standards EN55103-1:1996
and EN55103-2:1996 for residential (E1) and light industrial (E2)
Authorized European representative:
Shure Europe GmbH
Headquarters Europe, Middle East & Africa
Department: EMEA Approval
Jakob-Dieffenbacher-Str. 12
75031 Eppingen, Allemagne
Phone: +49-7262-92 49 0
Fax: +49-7262-92 49 11 4
Email: info@shure.de
Replacement Parts
Block Connector ....................................................................... 95A8580
Knob, Master & Phones (white)................................................ 95A8238
Knob, Channel Gain (blue) .......................................................95B8238
Line (Power) Cord (SCM810) ..................................................95B8389*
Line (Power) Cord (SCM810E)................................................95C8247*
Link Cable................................................................................. 95B8889
Service Statement
For additional service or parts information, please contact the Shure
Service Department at 1-800-516-2525. Outside the United States, please
contact your authorized Shure Service Center.
*For systems requiring other mains connectors, obtain a power cord
with an IEC 320 type mating connector for connection to the SCM810,
and an appropriate plug on the other end for connection to the mains.
The supplied cord uses Harmonized IEC Cordage with color coding
as follows: Brown = Line, Blue = Neutral, Green/Yellow = Ground.
Line Headphones Direct Out
mic (150 )
80 dB 88 dB 34 dB
Line 40 dB 48 dB -6 dB
Aux 44 dB 52 dB -
Send/Return 20 dB 28 dB -
Designed for
use with
Mic 19-600 1.6 k -15 dBV
2 k
10 k +22 dBV
2 k
10 k +22 dBV
2 k
10 k +18 dBV
Designed for
use with
Line >600 60 +18 dBV
Headphones 8-200 ,
300 +12 dBV
Direct Out >2 k 1 k +18 dBV
Send/Return >2 k 1 k +18 dBV