H4E FREQUENCY BAND (518.000 - 578.000 MHz)
Full Range
max. #
of comp.
(option 1)
Full Range
max. #
of comp.
(option 2)
User Group
(option 1)
User Group
(option 2)
User Group
(option 1)
User Group
(option 2)
User Group
(option 1)
User Group
(option 2)
All Bands All Bands
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10
1 518.100 518.900 518.750 518.750 518.100 518.500 520.225 518.300 518.500 518.575
2 518.825 519.625 519.500 519.500 521.500 520.025 522.025 519.000 522.250 520.300
3 519.350 520.150 521.250 520.500 522.975 522.225 522.775 522.025 523.675 521.750
4 520.375 521.175 523.250 521.750 525.700 522.975 525.900 524.000 524.500 522.300
5 521.725 522.525 524.250 523.250 532.500 524.900 526.300 530.025 526.350 526.350
6 522.350 523.150 527.500 526.750 532.900 530.225 533.500 532.700 528.000 527.525
7 525.150 525.950 535.250 527.250 534.500 536.775 535.000 533.500 528.500 527.975
8 530.250 531.050 536.500
531.500 538.975 540.900 536.225 533.900 531.900 531.800
9 530.675 531.475 543.750 537.250 544.775 545.500 541.500 542.300 535.075 535.400
10 532.750 533.550 547.750 547.500 546.975 549.300 550.300 546.775 542.700 536.275
11 534.625 535.425 548.250 550.750 550.100 550.500 557.100 549.900 543.425 540.975
12 543.475 544.275 550.750 554.500 561.500 556.500 560.975 560.225 552.550 547.975
13 544.700 545.500 552.500 562.500 565.300 556.900 562.775 560.975 553.725 551.225
14 547.325 548.125 561.750 563.500 565.700 568.025 568.225 568.225 565.425 551.950
15 548.775 549.575 567.500 569.250 568.025 570.975 570.775 570.775 566.025 552.950
16 549.700 550.500 571.250 571.750 572.500 572.900 572.000 572.700 568.125 557.250
17 553.450 554.250 574.750 572.250 574.100 573.700 572.700 573.100 571.675 558.400
18 556.275 557.075 575.750 575.750 576.025 576.025 574.300 574.300 572.150 558.800
19 561.050 561.850 577.250 576.500 577.500 577.500 576.975 576.975 573.675 561.800
20 562.600 563.400 577.750 577.750 520.775
518.100 520.975 520.975 576.650 568.375
21 564.700 565.500 520.500 528.500 534.100 525.300 525.100 528.225 536.075 525.650
22 571.450 572.250 521.750 529.250 538.225 528.775 536.975 540.700 556.975 553.600
23 574.450 575.250 530.500 530.500 540.900 533.300 540.000 544.225 560.575 567.575
24 575.300 576.100 531.250 538.500 541.700 533.700 542.300 550.300 519.125 523.575
25 575.700 576.500 534.750 540.250 546.225 546.225 556.000 556.000 521.700 533.050
26 576.650 577.450 537.250 543.750 549.700 549.700 556.700 556.700 539.550 556.700
27 577.150 577.950 540.250 544.500 552.025 552.025 557.900 557.100 554.600 566.125
28 523.850 524.650 546.500 545.750 560.775 554.975 566.300 557.900 558.050 572.000
29 548.300 549.100 551.500 551.500 564.500 565.700 575.000 562.775 539.025 518.050
30 572.750 573.550 554.500 552.500 566.500 568.775 576.225 566.300 540.725 536.675
31 529.350 530.150 555.500 556.250 573.700 572.500 545.100 538.375
32 533.950 534.750 560.500 558.750 556.125 571.175
33 537.925 538.725
563.500 559.750 557.400 573.100
34 561.950 562.750 564.250 567.500 570.000 575.250
35 565.525 566.325 569.250 568.500
36 566.575 567.375 570.500 569.750
37 570.775 571.575
38 535.750 536.550
39 551.700 552.500
40 569.425 570.225