
T12017-Sentry_LANServer_Users_Manual Page 58 of 59
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2269 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Appendix 5. General
Appendix 5.1. 9.1 Browser Caching
The WebServer supports browser caching by filling in the Served File's date and Last-
Modified date as required.
The WebServer does not use the file date and time to support caching. It uses the
FieldServer reboot time. This is considered the file creation / last-modified date for all files.
HTML files are never cached. They are always served with a HTTP-200 response.
Other files may be cached. When the browser fills in the 'If-Modified-Since' header field with
a date that is newer than the reboot date then the FS responds with an HTTP-304 response
and does not serve the file as it knows the browser has cached the file. To clear the cache
reboot the FieldServer or use Ctrl-F5 to force a re-read without caching.