Host name / Password conguration
Congure Host Name and Password.
- Be sure to set a password, especially if you are using the MVDS with a public network.
In factory default, the last six hexadecimal digits of the Ethernet MAC address is
used as the host name of the MVDS transmitter and receiver(s). You can change
the host name if desired, but make sure that is a unique name.
In some cases, it is desirable to change this host name on the receivers using hardware switches
(for example, to allow receivers to be deployed with precongured host name). The MVDS
receiver has internal rotary switches that can be used to set a hexadecimal value for the host
name (note that you must remove the cover of the enclosure to access these switches). The
right switch is for the upper byte and left switch is for the lower byte of the host name. When set
to 01-3E, the value is applied and set as host name at the time of power on. When set to 00, the
value congured in the Web page is applied as the host name.
Value (hexadecimal) Description
00h This value is not used as a host name. The receiver will run with the host
name congured through Web browser or TELNET.
01h - 3Eh
The string, "01" to "3E", will be used as a host name. This host name will be stored
(overwritten) in internal memory as a setting value. Therefore, even if "00" is set
again, the host name will not be reset to the previous name.
3Fh - FFh
Do not set these values as it may cause unstable operation. (As only 6bit out of
8bit can be recognized, the same host name may be used twice.)