
Operator/Passenger Awareness
The watercraft operator has the re-
sponsibility to inform passenger(s) of
safe ty measures.
Never turn handlebar w hil e some-
one i s nearby rear o f watercr a ft.
Keep away from steering moving
parts (nozzle, side vanes, linkage,
Do not start or operate the water-
craft if anyone is seated on the sun
deck, if so equipped, or swim plat-
form, or is ne arby in the w ater. Wa-
ter and/or debris exiting jet thrust
nozzle can cause severe injury.
The operator and pa ssenger(s)
should be properly seated before
starting or moving the watercraft,
and a t all times w hen watercraft is
in motion. All passenge r(s) should
be instructed to us e the handholds
or seat straps provided, or in the
alternative on a PWC, to hold the
waist of the person in front o f them.
When a ccelerating on a PWC with a
passenger( s), whether from a com-
plete stop or while underway, al-
ways do so progressively. Fast ac-
celeration may cause your pass en-
ger(s) to loose their balance or grip
and fall rearward off the watercraft.
Make s ure that your passenger(s)
know of, or an ticipat e, any rapid ac-
Keep away from intake grate w hile
engine is on. Item s such as long
hair, loose clothing, or PFD straps
can become entangled in moving
parts resulti ng in severe injury or
drowning .
Severe internal injuries can occur if
water is forced into body cavities as
a result of fa lling into water or being
near jet thrust nozz le.
To prevent accidental starting, al-
ways detach the DESS key from its
post when swimmers are board-
ing or nearby, or during removal of
any weeds or debris from the intake
It should be remembe re d th at sun,
wind, alcohol, drugs, fatigue and ill-
ness, ma y impair y our judgem ent
and reaction time.
On a PWC, never place your feet
and legs in the water to aid turning.
Operati on by Minors
Minors should always be s upervised
by an adult whenev er operating a wa-
tercraft. Many states have laws re-
garding the minimum ag e and licens-
ing re quirements of minors. Be sure
to contact the state boating authorities
for information. BRP rec om m ends a
minimum operator age of 16 years old.
Manoeu vrability o f the
Do not overload the watercraft or
take on m ore pa s s engers than des-
ignated for the particular watercraft.
Respect the maximum load limit
rating of the ski/wake boa rd po st.
Overload ing can affect maneuv er-
ability, stability and pe rformance.
Avoid adding on accessories, or
equipment wh ich may a lter your
control of th e watercraft.
Certain PWCs may come or can be
equipped with tow eyelets or a s k i
pole which can be used to attach a
tow rope for a skier, tube or wake-
boarder. Do not use these attach-
ment points or a ny oth er portion of
the PWC to tow a parasail or another
craft. Personal injury or severe dam-
age may occur.
Riding with a passenger( s) or pulling
a tube, skier or wak eboa rder makes
the watercraft handle differently
and requires greater skill.
Always respec t the saf ety and com -
fort of your passenger(s) and person
being towed on skis, wakeboard or
other water produ cts.