Heat Loss Express
Entering Room Data
Starting with a specific job, select a floor and enter the required data for each room (each room has its
own column). When you have completed all of the rooms, select another floor and repeat the procedure
until you have provided data for all of the rooms in the structure. As you enter data, the heat loss and the
required length (in feet) of Fine/Line 15, Fine/Line 30, Multi/Pak 80, Base/Line 70, Base/Line 2000 and
Rhino-Cast baseboard will be continually updated for each room, floor, and the entire job.
To enter data, select a room and do the following:
1. Place the cursor at the top of a column and enter the proper value.
2. Move the cursor down to the next cell and repeat. You can use your mouse, the arrow keys or tab key
on your keyboard to move around in the Heat Loss Express screen.
If you wish to display one room at a time, you can click on the
Single Room button in Data Entry Mode on the toolbar. The Single
Room screen will be displayed. To switch back to the “see all
rooms” mode, click the All Rooms icon.
Multi/Single Room
Single Room Screen
10 Slant/Fin Corporation