Maintenance and Troubleshooting 45
3. Shut down the computer. Press and hold the Lamp Off button on the control panel for
approximately three seconds. The screen will turn black. Release the button and the projector
lamp powers off in 60 seconds.
4. Unplug the 2000i from the power outlet.
5. Detach the power cable labeled Projector AC from the AC IN socket, the 8-pin Mini DIN cable
labeled PC Control from the PC Control port and the HD DB15 video cable labeled Computer
1 IN from the Computer IN port of the projector’s connection panel.
The diagram above shows the connectors as installed at the factory. When you reconnect the
cables, you can return each cable to its correct port as indicated by its label. However, your
configuration will be different if you have installed other equipment.
After you turn off the projector, allow at least one minute to elapse before
you unplug it. Do not touch or replace the projector lamp (which will be
very hot) for at least an hour.
Après avoir éteint le projecteur, attendez au moins une minute avant de le
débrancher. Attendez au moins une heure avant de toucher ou de
remplacer la lampe du projecteur (qui sera très chaude).
Stecken Sie den Projektor für mindestens eine Minute nach dem
Abschalten nicht aus. Berühren oder ersetzen Sie die Projektorlampe (die
sehr heiß sein wird) nicht vor Ablauf einer Stunde.
Lamp Off Button
Projector AC
PC Control
projector is
shown upside
down, as
Computer 1 IN