>set brightness vga1-7
brightness vga1=58
Power state controls
These commands put the projector in and out of Standby mode and request the projector’s current
power state. The projector’s power state determines whether certain commands are available at that
time. These settings are available even when the projector is in Standby mode.
Command Response
on powerstate=[field]
off powerstate=[field]
off now powerstate=[field]
get powerstate powerstate=[field]
The following table describes the power state commands:
Command Description
on Turns on the projector.
off Starts the shutdown process. A dialog box appears with the
message, “Press Power Button to Turn off Projector.” You must send
a second Off command within 10 seconds to put the projector into
Standby mode.
off now Shuts down the projector immediately. You can’t delay or cancel this
get powerstate Indicates the projector’s current power state.
The following table describes the power state fields:
Field Description
Powering The projector is turning on.
On The projector is on.
Cooling The projector is cooling.
Confirm off Confirm off is a non-selectable power state that is returned during
stage one of the two-button Off sequence.
Idle The projector is off but still receiving power (Standby mode).
Source selection controls
These commands switch input sources. The source type determines which commands can be
Command Response Available in Standby
get input input=[field] Yes
set input=[field] input=[field] No
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