Chapter 2: Extending the USB of
SMARTBoard 800i series
interactive whiteboard systems
Extending the USB with a bus-powered (active) extension cable 7
Using a single USB-XT extension cable 8
Using multiple USB-XT extension cables 9
Extending the USB with a CAT5-XT-1100 (active) extender 10
Using a CAT5-XT-1100 extender 10
Using a CAT5-XT-1100 extender and a self-powered USB hub 11
Using a USB-XT extension cable or a SMARTGoWire cable and a CAT5-XT-1100 extender 12
Extending the USB with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 13
Using an SBX800CAT5-XT extender 13
Using a SMARTGoWire cable with an SBX800 CAT5-XT extender 13
This section illustrates how you can extend the USB connection between your computer and your
SMARTBoard 800 series interactive whiteboard system.
SMARTinteractive whiteboard systems combine a SMARTBoard interactive whiteboard with a
SMART short throw or ultra-short-throw projector, a multiuser pen tray and a control panel that
enables teachers to manage all classroom technology products from the front of the classroom.
If you’re extending the USB connection to SMARTBoard 800 series interactive whiteboards that
aren’t connected to a SMARTprojector, see Extending the USB of SMARTBoard 800 series
interactive whiteboards on page 1.
Extending the USB with a bus-powered (active)
extension cable
You can use the USB-XT extension cable to extend the 16' (5 m) USB A to mini-B cable included with
your interactive whiteboard system.
Chapter 2