Instructions for the User
14.1 Cleaning stainless steel
To keep stainless steel in good condition it should be cleaned regularly after use. Let it cool first.
14.1.1 Ordinary daily cleaning
To clean and preserve the stainless steel surfaces, use only specific products that do not contain
abrasives or chlorine-based acids. How to use: pour the product onto a damp cloth and wipe the
surface, rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth or deerskin.
14.1.2 Food stains or residues
Do not use metallic sponges or sharp scrapers: they will damage the surface. Use
ordinary non-abrasive products for steel, with the aid of wooden or plastic utensils if
necessary. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth or deerskin.
14.2 Cleaning the gas components
For easier cleaning the pan stands, burner caps, flame spreader crowns and
burners can all be removed; wash them with warm water and a non-abrasive
detergent making sure to remove any encrustation and wait until they are perfectly
dry. Replace the burner caps on their corresponding crowns, making sure that the
slots A are centred with the burner pins B.
For correct operation the igniters and thermocouples must always be perfectly clean.
Check them frequently and clean them with a damp cloth if necessary. Remove any dry
residues with a wooden toothpick or a needle.
14.2.1 The grid
For best results it is recommended to clean the grid while it is still warm: using heat-proof gloves scour it
using a brush with brass bristles in order to remove any food residues. Complete cleaning of the grid
with a degreasing detergent and rinse thoroughly.
Continuous contact between the grid and the flame can cause modifications to the to the shine of the
steel in those parts exposed to heat. This is a completely natural phenomenon which has no effect on
the operation of this component. To limit discolouration of the grid we recommend cleaning it with
stainless steel cream and a non-abrasive sponge.
The grid can be washed in a dishwasher.
After thorough cleaning light the appliance in order to burn off any detergent residues.