Viewing Images Using your Computer
Connecting your camcorder to your
computer using the USB cable
– For Macintosh users
When connecting to a computer using the USB jack
Before connecting your camcorder to your computer, install the USB driver on the
computer. The USB driver is packaged together with application software for viewing
images on the CD-ROM supplied with your camcorder.
Recommended computer usage environment when connecting
via USB cable and viewing “Memory Stick” images on your
Mac OS 8.5.1/8.6/9.0/9.1/9.2 or Mac OS X (v10.0/v10.1)
Standard installation is required.
However, note that the update to Mac OS 9.0/9.1 should be used for the following
•iMac with the Mac OS 8.6 standard installation and a slot loading type CD-ROM drive
•iBook or Power Mac G4 with the Mac OS 8.6 standard installation
The USB connector must be provided as standard.
QuickTime 3.0 or newer must be installed (to play back moving pictures).
•Operations are not guaranteed for the Macintosh environment if you connect two or
more USB equipment to a single computer at the same time, or when using a hub.
•Some equipment may not operate depending on the type of USB equipment that is
used simultaneously.
•Operations are not guaranteed for all the recommended computer environments
mentioned above.
•Macintosh and Mac OS, QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer Inc.
•All other product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies. Furthermore, “TM” and “®” are not
mentioned in each case in this manual.