Chapter 5 Adjustments and Settings 73
Chapter 5
Adjustments and
Saving an Appropriate White
Balance Value in Memory
You can save two white balance values in separate
memories, A and B. Unless changed, the saved values
are retained for approximately ten years, even when
the camera is powered off.
Once a value is saved, you can automatically restore
the adjustment by moving the W. BAL switch to the A
or B position. This makes shooting under alternating
lighting conditions easy.
Separate white balance values for each
FILTER control setting
In the default case, as described above, the same two A
and B white balance values apply to all four settings of
the FILTER control. It is possible, however, to change
the AWB MEMORY MODE setting on page 4
<WHITE MEMORY> of the OPERATION menu (see
page 60) so that there are eight possibly different
values for the A and B positions and for the four
FILTER control settings.
Adjusting the white balance ensures that as lighting
conditions change white objects remain white in the
image and tones remain natural.
The color of light emitted varies from one light source
to another, and as the lighting changes the apparent
color of an illuminated subject changes. It is therefore
necessary to adjust the white balance each time the
principal lighting source changes.
White Balance Adjustment