0016_HC_1617DVD_4c 23.08.2004 17:17 Uhr Seite 16** platte_03:sony:90_opa5_Style9:TEMP:
Film and play on your DVD.
What could be simpler?
To watch your DVD movie, simply take
out the disc and share it on one of these
four DVD-playing devices* – cable and
* Sony DVD-R media recorded in Video mode can be
played back on most Sony DVD players and recorders
sold after the year 2000 and on a PlayStation
PlayStation is a registered trademark of Sony Computer
Entertainment Inc.
** We recommend using a VAIO desktop or notebook.
Record the action straight to DVD – for
images and sound in DVD quality.
Shoot Play and share
Sony’s DVD Handycam makes home
movies so much easier by recording
directly onto a DVD disc instead of a
tape. Thanks to DVD recording, now
everyone can join in the fun.
You don’t even need a camcorder to
watch your footage on TV – just take
the disc along when you visit family
and friends and you can share your
special scenes using their DVD player.
DVD Handycam
HC_1617DVD_BAL 24.08.2004 13:50 Uhr Seite 16