Appendix A-15
Horizontal resolution
The capability of a video camera or a display unit to preserve detail in
the horizontal direction. Usually expressed as the number of vertical
lines which can be distinguished in the reproduced image of a test chart.
Repeated brightening and darkening of an image resulting from repeated
response to automatic iris control.
IRE scale
The scale to determine video signal amplitudes devised by the Institute
of Radio Engineers (IRE), an American organization now called the
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
Interline Transfer. A type of CCD imager.
Longitudinal Time Code. A time code recorded along the tape in the
forward direction of a tape run. A VTR cannot reproduce LTC when tape
run stops to output a still picture. The output level of LTC is very low
when tape runs slowly, so an LTC read error is likely to occur while the
VTR is playing back in slow motion. See also Time code and VITC.
ND filter
Neutral Density filter. ND filters reduce the amount of incident light
equally across the entire visible wavelength range without affecting
R/G mixing detail circuit
A circuit used to mix R and G signals to obtain a Y signal so that a sharp
picture is reproduced.