D30/31 Mode
The D70/P parameters that correspond to the Wide and
the Tele end of the D30/D31 are approximately 0000h
and 3B4Bh. However, at the Wide end, the horizontal
viewing angles are 48.8˚ for the D30/D31, and 48.0˚
for the D70/P.
Received parameters (0000h ~ 03FFh) will be
converted within a range of 0000h to 3B4Bh. For D30/
D31 mode, the setting will normally be Digital Zoom
However, for CAM Zoom Tele/Wide commands and
operations from the remote control, movement within
the over all limits of the D70/P Zoom (0000h ~ 7AC0/
77C0h) is possible.
Translating Parameters
Zoom speed
Cameras Parameters
EVI-D30/D31 02h (Min. speed) to 07h (Max. speed)
EVI-D70/P 00h (Min. speed) to 07h (Max. speed)
Translation of commands
Accepted parameters Translation
00h, 01h Translates to 02h
Values greater than 02h Accepts as is
Zoom position
Cameras Parameters
EVI-D30/D31 0000h (WIDE) to 03FFh (TELE)
EVI-D70/P 0000h (WIDE) to 7AC0h (TELE, digital 12×)
Translation of commands
Accepted parameters Translation
0000h to 03FFh Translates within a rage of 08D0h to 5700h
The EVI-D70/P translates the parameters to let the
camera obtain the same zoom position that is defined
by the D30/D31’s parameter.
(The values given below are calculated values.)
Translation when answering inquiry
Parameters Translation
0000h to 4000h Translates within a rage of 0000h to 03FFh
The D70/P’s parameters are translated to those of the
However, even if the zoom position value is less than
08D0h (closer to the wide side), the camera sends back
0000h to the controller. On the other hand, even if that
value is greater than 3B4Bh (closer to the telephoto
side), the camera sends back 03FFh.
Focus position
Cameras Parameters
EVI-D30/D31 1000h (FAR) to 9FFFh (NEAR, 1 cm)
EVI-D70/P 1000h (FAR) to C000h (NEAR, 10 cm)
Translation of commands
Accepted parameters Translation
Values less than 8400h Accepts as is
Values greater than 8400h Translates to 8400h
Because the range of the D70/P is narrower than that
of the D30/D31, emulation is not carried out to match
the actual focus position (focal point) to that of the
The EVI-D70/P operational range of (1000h (FAR) ~
C000h (NEAR, 1cm)) is emulated within the
operational range of the EVI-D30/D31 (1000h (FAR)
~ 9FFFh (NEAR, 1cm)).
(Reference: Y = {(0xC000 – 0x1000)/(0x9FFF –
0x1000)}*(X – 0x1000) + 0x1000)
Translation when answering inquiry
Parameters Translation
1000h to 8400h Sends back parameters as is
The D70/P returns D70/P parameters as-is.
Reverse conversion is emulated as above.
(Reference: X = {(0x9FFF- 0x1000)/(0xC000 –
0x1000)}*(Y – 0x1000) + 0x1000)
Tele end
Wide end Digital 18×
Viewing angle