Basic Functions
Initial Settings and Position Preset
The initial values are those set at the factory. Settings
for items that will be retained even when the power to
the camera is turned off are indicated by a “a,” those
that will be lost are indicated by an “×.”
• The number of times data can be written to the EEPROM (by executing Position Preset) is limited.
• Camera ID data will be saved regardless of the position preset.
Mode/Position Initial settings
Custom Memroy position
presets 0 to 5
Zoom Position Wide end aa
Focus Position — aa
Focus Auto/Manual Auto aa
Near Limit Setting C000h (1.0 cm) a ×
AF Mode Normal a ×
AF activation time 5 seconds a ×
AF interval time 5 seconds a ×
WB Mode Auto aa
WB Data (Rgain, Bgain) — aa
One Push WB Data — a ×
AE Mode Full Auto aa
Slow Shutter Mode On aa
Shutter Position 1/60sec (59.94/NTSC),
1/50sec (50/PAL)
Iris Position — aa
Gain Position — aa
Bright Position — aa
Exposure Compensation On/Off Off aa
Exposure Compensation Amount ±0 aa
Backlight On/Off Off aa
Spot AE On/Off Off a ×
Spot AE position setting X=8, Y=8 a ×
Gamma Normal a ×
Key Lock Off a ×
Aperture Level 8 aa
Freeze On/Off Off ××
Picture Effect Off a ×
Mute On/Off Off ××
D-Zoom Limit x4 aa
AutoSlowShutterLimit Off aa
ICR On/Off Off aa
Auto ICR On/Off Off aa
Auto ICR Threshold Level 0Ch aa