Since the early days of film and television, meta-
data such as shot number, slate information and
other production notes has been used increasingly
during the production process. While much of
this data has been generated and stored on paper,
the use of computers for storage and management
of meta-data has grown significantly. However
the lack of a unique identifier for each segment of
material recorded on the filed tape has made it
difficult to link this meta-data to the actual materi-
al. The HDW-750/730 camcorder now solves this
problem by providing the capability to generate
and record a globally unique identifier relating
directly with the video material. This process is
made possible by recording UMID (Unique
Material Identifier) information.
Meta-data Handling
UMID* recording
The UMID is a unique identifier for picture, audio and data
material that is created and globally unique. The HDW-
750/730 automatically generates and records UMID on tape
at every scene change. By adding UMID information during
the acquisition process, future benefit such as easy search of
material during editing, and archive will be realized. Sony
supports UMID as well as Extended UMID** for further oper-
ational convenience.
UMID is standardized as SMPTE 330M
Extended UMID adds Signature Meta-data, time, positioning, and user information to the Basic UMID.