DBS Connections
Connecting a DBS (Direct
Broadcast Satellite) receiver
1 Connect the cable from your satellite
antenna to your DBS receiver.
2 Attach the coaxial connector from your
cable or antenna to VHF/UHF on your TV.
3 Using A/V connectors, connect AUDIO
and VIDEO OUT on your DBS receiver to
AUDIO and VIDEO IN on your TV.
Connecting a DBS (Direct Broadcast
Satellite) receiver and a VCR
1 Connect the cable from your satellite
antenna to your DBS receiver.
2 Attach the coaxial connector from your
cable or antenna to VHF/UHF IN on your
3 Using a coaxial connector, connect
VHF/UHF OUT on your VCR to
VHF/UHF on your TV.
4 Using A/V connectors, connect AUDIO
and VIDEO OUT on your DBS receiver to
AUDIO and VIDEO IN on your VCR.
5 Using A/V connectors, connect AUDIO
and VIDEO OUT on your VCR to AUDIO
and VIDEO IN on your TV.
insteadof the yellowAN cable.S Videodoes |
not provide sound, youraudio connectors
Imuststill be connected.
DBSreceiver |
Satellite I _ _1
antenna I _._ _-_i__ _ _'_1 I
VMC-810S/820S (not supplied)
(Rear of "IV)
Pressing TV/VIDEO on the remote control will
l allow you to view from the DBS or VCR. I
VMC-810S/820S (not supplied) (Rear of W)
1_ 4 , I 2
_ ._,_ VCR
DBS receiver
VMC-810S/820S (not supplied)