Setting network preferences
(4) Set up the following items:
ID: Enter the login name you use for accessing your provider using a dial-up
Tip on “ID”
This “ID” is also referred to as a “user ID”, “login name”, “PPP login name”,
“network ID”, “account name”, “logon name”, “user name”, etc.
Password: Enter the password you use for accessing your provider using a
dial-up connection.
Tip on “Password”
This “Password” is also referred to as a “PPP password”, “network
password”, “connection password”, etc.
Tip on dial-up connection
The dial-up connection is used to access the Internet using a phone line.
DNS1: Enter the DNS (Domain Name System) server address of your provider.
Tips on “DNS1”
•This “DNS1” is also referred to as a “name server”, “primary DNS server”,
“primary name server”, etc.
•This entry may be unnecessary, depending on the provider. For details, consult
your provider.
DNS2: Enter the secondary DNS server address of your provider, if necessary.
Tips on “DNS2”
•This “DNS2” is also referred to as a “secondary DNS server” etc.
•This entry may be unnecessary, depending on the provider. For details, consult
your provider.
TEL No. 1: Enter the telephone numbers of your most convenient access
Tip on access point
Most providers install access points in various areas. We recommend that you
select the most convenient access point which allows you to obtain the lowest
telephone charges.
TEL No. 2/TEL No. 3: Enter the second and third telephone numbers, if