-- Editing --
Dubbing a tape
You can dub or edit on the VCR connected to your camcorder using your can]corder as
a player. Connect your camcorder to tile VCR using tile A/V connecting cable supplied
with your camcorder.
Before operation
• Set DISPLAY in _ to LCD in the menu settings. (Tile defalt setting is LCD.)
• Press the following buttons to make the indicator disappear so that they will not be
superimposed on tile edited tape:
DATA CODE on tile Remote Commander
SEARCH MODE on the Remote Commander
(1) Insert a blank tape (or a tape you want to record over) into the VCR, and insm_
the recorded tape into your camcorder.
(2) Prepare the VCR for recording, then set the input selector to LINE.
Connect the A/V connecting cable to the AUDIO/VIDEO jack.
Refer to the operating instructions of the VCR.
(3) Set the POWER switch to VCR on your camcorder.
(4) Play back the recorded tape on your camcorder.
(5) Start recording on the VCR. Refer to the operating instructions of your VCR.
Yellow @ SVIDEO
: Signal flow
A/V connecting cable (supplied)
When you have finished dubbing a tape
Press • on both your camcorder and the VCR.
You can edit on VCRs that support the following systems:
[] 8 ram, I,I1_ Hi8, _ VIIS, _ S-VI IS, _[_ VHSC, S_ S-VHSC,
m Betamax, _ ED Betamax, h'_l]l_7mini DV, _ DV, D Digital& =_ MICRO MV