Picture Motion Browser
Sony’s bundled Picture Motion Browser (PMB) software lets you manage and share your video footages easily and without fuss. With PMB
you can organise your movies, trim your videos by removing unwanted scenes, do face-search etc.
View your recordings in an interesting 2D panoramic format
Movie Tracer
See your pictures stitched together as one big picture.Choose the individual images you want to use.
Use Face Search to find specific faces in videos
Face Detection & Face Recognition
Face Search
PC software (Music Transfer)
Transfer music files and change music for Highlight Playback
CD or MP3 file
* Requires separate Music Transfer PC software.
Transfer music files from your PC to Handycam® for use
during Highlight Playback*
Transfer Music
Your videos contain some unwanted parts? with PMB you can make them beautiful by trimming undesired parts. Trimming your favourite
videos has never been this easy.
Video Trimming
In Image 3,
What you see is a time-bar that enables you to
actually trim your favorite video. The two flags
circled above indicate the Start & Stop point for the
video. Just drag the bar as per your requirement.
After you have done your selection, the red bar shown above indicates
the portion you actually need to save. Click on “Save Edited Video”
button located on the lower corner of the frame (refer Image 4)
Stop Flag
Start Flag
Save Edited Video
Video Downsizing
Those great quality videos that you shot are too heavy to email?
PMB is the one-stop-point where you can down-size your videos by
changing it to more ‘web friendly’ formats.
Video Trimming + Video Downsizing gives all the flexibility that you
desired. All you need to do is click Manipulate> Convert & then
convert it to the format of your choice.
To make your Handycam
experience even better, Sony has a FREE Demo service,
where our engineer visits you at your Doorstep for an elaborate Demonstration.
Here’s how the demo helps:
• Understand the Handycam
Operation, the different Menus, Features etc
• Tips on making your video shorter (Trimming) or downsizing for email, web etc...!
• Hands-On training on “How to create your own DVDs ?”
• Learn usage of advanced video effect: of various light, sound and motion situations
How do you avail the FREE Demo Service?
Just call 1800-103-7799 to fix your appointment or log on to www.sony.co.in
Free Home Demo
Highlight Playback
View an automatically edited movie clip instantly,
complete with transitional effects and background
music of your choice, with Highlight Playback. The
intelligent Handycam
analyses your videos for faces,
smiles, and photos taken during video recordings,
and extracts them as highlights. This makes it easier
for you to search for your favourite videos. You can
even store up to 8 favourite scenes* to share with
your loved ones as and when you like!
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
In Image 1,
Just click on Manipulate> Edit> Trim Video
#Valid after product purchase only