RS-232C Command List
Camera Function
Setting Commands
Setting Gain
Applicable to both AGC Max Limit and STEP gain.
AGC Max Limit (AGC ON)
6dB [E220]
12dB [E221]
18dB [E222]
AE speed
Also applicable to CCD Iris
Slow [EB00]
Norm [EB02]
Fast [EB04]
0dB [E200]
1dB [E201]
2dB [E202]
: :
15dB [E20F]
16dB [E210]
17dB [E211]
18dB [E212]
Exposure Correction
Also applicable to CCD Iris
Over Max [A2FF]
: :
Standard [A280]
: :
Under Max [A201]
Shutter Settings
Shutter OFF
Send two commands together, in a [E3**], [E4**]
order, one after the other.
(The camera returns an [OKAY] after each and every
Shutter OFF [E300][E400]
CCD Iris ON & Max Limit
Send two commands together, in a [E3**], [E4**]
order, one after the other.
(The camera returns an [OKAY] after each and every
CCD Iris ON (Max 1/250) [E360] [E400]
CCD Iris ON (Max 1/500) [E360] [E401]
CCD Iris ON (Max 1/1000) [E360] [E402]
CCD Iris ON (Max 1/2000) [E360] [E403]
CCD Iris ON (Max 1/4000) [E360] [E404]
CCD Iris ON (Max 1/10000) [E360] [E405]
CCD Iris ON (Max 1/20000) [E360] [E406]
CCD Iris ON (Max 1/50000) [E360] [E407]
CCD Iris ON (Max 1/100000) [E360] [E408]
However, operation is guaranteed up to 1/4000.
AE speed
Also applicable to AGC
Slow [EB00]
Norm [EB02]
Fast [EB04]
Exposure Correction
Also applicable to AGC
Over Max [A2FF]
: :
Standard [A280]
: :
Under Max [A200]