XCI-SX1 SDK / SDK Technical Manual
Just like the camera driver, running modprobe skxflash inserts the
module to the kernel. Adding skxflash entry on the /etc/modules
file will also enable this module to be loaded at system boot up. The
source code of the flash driver is also installed in
/usr/smartcam/src/skxflash directory. Just make to build
2.5 Library Installation
2.5.1 XFree86
XFree86 is an open source X11-based desktop infrastructure that
provides a client/server interface between the display hardware (the
mouse, keyboard, and video displays) and the desktop environment
while also providing both the windowing infrastructure and a
standardized application interface (API). (http://www.xfree86.org/). XFree86 Installation
The library version used for this system is version 4.4.0. The following
steps below describe how to compile and install the XFree86 application.
1. make World
- compiles the said application
2. make install
- copies the required files to where they needed to be
Before running startx, do the command below:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin
To export this path upon system start up, add this path in
An X11 configuration file is created in /etc/X11/XF86Config.
However configured XF86Config files are already installed on SDK.
XF86Config.en is for US keyboard layout, XF86Config.jp is for JP
keyboard layout.