• If ATRAC3plus files and
MP3 files are recorded on
the same CD, this CD
player plays the
ATRAC3plus first.
• The playback capability of
this CD player may vary
depending on the quality of
the disc and the condition of
the recording device.
• Characters that can be
displayed on this CD player
are listed below.
–A to Z
–a to z
–0 to 9
–! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / :
; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | }
If you use other characters
on your computer using
software such as
SonicStage, they are
displayed as “–” on this CD
• On a disc that has
ATRAC3plus/MP3 files, do
not save files in other
formats and do not make
unneccessary groups.
To Press
select a group*
+ to go forward and – to go
remove the CD PUSH Z OPEN/CLOSE*
turn on/off the player POWER
This function works for ATRAC CDs/MP3 CDs only.
Once you open the CD lid, the track to start play will change to
the beginning of the first track.
The structure of ATRAC CDs/MP3 CDs
ATRAC CDs/MP3 CDs consist of “files” and “groups.” A
“file” is equivalent to a “track” of an audio CD. A “group”
is a bundle of files and is equivalent to an “album.”
For MP3 CDs, this CD player recognizes an MP3 folder as
a “group” so that ATRAC CDs and MP3 CDs can be
operated in the same way.
In this manual, we use the word “track” in description of
the operations available for both ATRAC CDs/MP3 CDs
and audio CDs, and the word “file” for the operations
available for ATRAC CDs/MP3 CDs only.
Playing order of ATRAC CDs and MP3 CDs
For ATRAC CDs, files are played in the order selected in
For MP3 CDs, the playing order may differ depending on
the method used to record MP3 files on the disc. In the
following example, files are played in order of 1 to 7.