feedback the howling sound caused by bringing a microphone
too close to a loudspeaker driven from its amplified sig-
foldback a feed sent back to the artistes via loudspeakers or
headphones to enable them to monitor the sounds
they are producing.
frequency response the variation in gain of a device with frequency.
(sub) group an output into which a group of signals can be mixed.
headroom the available signal range above the nominal level
before clipping occurs.
line level signals at a nominal level of -10 to +6dBu, usually coming from a
impedance source.
Mix-down the operational mode in which pre- recorded tracks on the
multitrack tape machine are replayed and mixed to cre-
ate a final Stereo master recording.
Monitor Path the section of the input channel which is normally fed by t
tape machine outputs, and feeds to the stereo mix un-
der the control of a rotary fader to create a Monitor mix.
Overdubbing the operational mode in which one or more tracks can be
recorded or modified as other tracks are played back.
pan (pot) abbreviation of panorama: controls levels sent to left
and right outputs.
peaking an equaliser response curve affecting only a band of
frequencies i.e. based on a bandpass response.
PFL (pre-fade listen) a function that allows the operator to monitor the pre-fade
signal in a channel independently of the main mix.
rolloff a fall in gain at the extremes of the frequency response.
shelving an equaliser response affecting all frequencies above or
below the break frequency i.e. a highpass or lowpass
derived response.
spill acoustic interference from other sources.
talkback the operator speaking to the artistes or to tape via the
auxiliary or group outputs.
transient a momentary rise in the signal level.
trim control a variable control which gives adjustment of signal level o
limited and predetermined range usually for calibration
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